
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Orchids and More Orchids

Yesterday (Sunday, since as I'm writing this I still have one more hour of Monday left!) I went with some friends to the Smithsonian Gardens' annual Orchid display--which was held in the U.S. Botanical Gardens this year.  So for those of you who don't live in the DC area and won't get a chance to see it, I thought I'd share some eye candy. For those of you who live in the area, the exhibit will be open through April 29, and it's pretty spectacular!

They say that orchids are easy to grow.  "They" may find it easy, but I've never had much luck in the house we live in now.  For one thing, I don't think we get enough light for their liking.  Plus, although they like to dry out between watering's, I think maybe I take it a bit to the extreme.  I do know quite a few people who can keep them growing for years though, so I have proof it can be done!

Even if you can't keep it growing, an orchid is a great decorating accessory--and when you think about it, a good deal.  The flowers bloom for about 3 months.  Right now Safeway has orchid plants for $18.99.  That's a little over $6 a month for beautiful flowers in your home.  Depending on what flowers you're buying, if you wanted flowers in your house you'd probably be spending more than that a week! So at least until our gardens start blooming, they're a beautiful bargain!

While you're not going to find all these varieties in your local supermarket, whatever you do find will add beautiful color and a touch of spring to your decor. Orchids symbolize love, beauty, refinement and strength--all pretty good qualities to bring into your home if you ask me!


  1. Thank you CLJ for sharing your orchid pics! I have 3 in my kitchen window, one in full bloom now. For some reason, the orchids love me (or more likely the well water I give them).
    Pop in for a visit

  2. Oh Deborah,

    These are beautiful!! I've heard too, they are easy, but I've never tried. There are as many kinds and colors as Dahlias have, which I love!

    Thank you for sharing this beauty with us!



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