
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ready for Fall!

I know some of you out there in blog land start your Fall decorating right after Labor Day.  But somehow I’m just not feeling it when I have sweat dripping down my face and I’m squashing mosquitoes.  Oh I forgot -- My mother always told me:  “Ladies don’t sweat dear, they glow.”  Do mothers ever say that any more?  Having two boys I never had occasion to bring it up. It’s a stupid saying if you ask me, but I think her mother told it to her.  My grandmother was from Georgia and had Southern Lady manners. Actually, I sweat like a pig around here in the summertime (sorry Grandma). Now that’s another stupid saying!  I don’t think pigs sweat ...  

Anyway, my point is even though the calendar may say September, it’s hard for me to get into the Fall spirit when it's 90 degrees, the humidity is high and I’m "glowing."  But the last couple of days we’ve had cooler weather here in Virginia. The nights are getting a bit chilly, and I’m finally starting to get that Fall feeling.  I absolutely love Fall!  It’s my favorite season.  I love the crisp air, wearing sweaters, and cozying up the house.

The scene from our living room window last Fall. The bench was a Craigslist find.

The driveway.

Our front lawn. As you can see, we're surrounded by trees -- lots of Fall color!

Mosby amid the MANY leaves we end up having to clean up!

Now that I’m in the spirit, I’m pulling out my Fall decorations this weekend. Since the boys are grown I don’t do the spooky Halloween theme anymore.  I like to decorate with natural material like gourds, pumpkins, leaves, and branches. As you can see by the photos above, we're not lacking in the leaves and branches department!  I also love a lot of candles and added texture by using throws over the furniture to up the cozy quotient. 

I’ll share what I end up doing next week.  In the meantime I found lots of decorating ideas on the web today and thought you might like some inspiration too!

Love this stunning and easy idea from Better Homes & Gardens.

Piles of pumpkins & guords.

More pumpkin piles!
- Southern Living

 Great idea for over the mantel.

Simple & beautiful.  The tags add the special touch.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Fall is my fave time of year too. Nice photos. I love that red frame.


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