
Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall Fluffing

As I mentioned in my last post, it is just beginning to feel like Fall around here.  As soon as I feel that little nip in the air I get happy.  Fall to me is about new beginnings, which actually makes no sense since outside leaves are falling and my garden is starting to go into hibernation.  I guess it goes back to the anticipation of a new school year when I was little.  Not that I particularly liked school, but I looked forward to new Fall clothes (I loved shopping even then!), new teachers, and new adventures.

So over the weekend I dug out my decorations and started to fluff up our house for the season.

I prefer to use natural elements such as real branches, leaves and pumpkins, but it's still a bit early here.  The leaves haven't started changing, and I'm not seeing the mini pumpkins and gourds in the stores yet.  So for now I'm using silk leaves and my collection of  "phony" pumpkins.  I'll add in the real thing as the season progresses. 

To get started I just decorated our family room, starting with the mantle.

I mixed in phony and faux Fall elements with some of my collection of vintage white pottery which were already on the mantle.  (I'm not a big fan of all the brick around our fireplace, and am debating whether I should paint it white or whitewash it ... I can't make up my mind because once you start there is not going back!).

I made a quick garland with garden twine and paper leaves.  I  may come up with something more elaborate down the road ... or not.  It will depend on whether I get the right combination of inspiration and motivation at the same time!  

I added a Fall message to the blackboard I made from an old frame and put it on the vintage washstand in the family room (another Craigslist find).

The actual first day of Fall may not be until Friday, but in our house it's already started.  Yay!

Sharing at:

The Lettered Cottage


  1. That is awesome Deborah. What a great job you did Fall fluffing, very fun and festive. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party. have fun mingling.

  2. Hi Deborah,
    So nice to see you're in the spirit of Fall. I featured 2 of your beautiful furniture makeovers. I hope you will stop by for a visit and do grab a button while you're there. I just received my ASCP and can't wait to use it on some of my pieces. Following you.

  3. Looks great! Love the white accents!

  4. We have a painted brick fireplace. Stop by and see it if you get a chance. I agree, you can't go back!! At least not easily. :) Click on 'fireplace' on the side bar

  5. Thanks Debra! Did you paint the fireplace yourself?


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