
Friday, August 26, 2011

Wow, Winner & Wind!

First of all, thank-you to Kelly at Stylish Patina for posting my giveaway on her Facebook page, to Linda at Coastal Charm for posting it on her blog, and to my FB friends who shared it!  I was blown away by all the people who signed up to follow me -- even if you did have to be bribed! ;=)  Thanks for all of your nice comments, and I hope you enjoy the blog.  You all did a great job of helping me with my Followers-inferiority-complex!!

Some of you mentioned that you couldn't see the Join button on my sidebar.  I looked into this and it appears to be an ongoing problem with Blogger, and it seems to be related to the browser you're using.  But I haven't found how to fix it. I think it's a bigger Blogger issue.  A friend told me if you refresh the page a couple of times you can see it.  Blogger also won't let me see who subscribes by email, which I think is weird.  If any of you more experienced bloggers know a way around this, please let me know!  For this giveaway I included anyone who left a comment saying they signed up to subscribe. I apologize to those of you who subscribed without a comment, but I just can't see you!

With all that said, the winner of the random drawing for the $50 Home Goods gift certificate is Jane at Cottage in the Crossroads.

Speaking of being blown-away, we're getting ready for Hurricane Irene here in the DC area.  It is supposed to pass over us tomorrow afternoon.  We live inland, so all we'll get is lots of wind and rain, but my thoughts are with any of you on the coast.  I hope everyone keeps safe! 

My biggest concern is keeping my dogs from freaking out.  Two of them are storm-phobic. An earthquake and a hurricane in one week is going to be tough on them!  It's the two larger dogs who are total messes; the Chihuahua mix isn't fazed, and while the cats don't like it, they just hide under a bed and deal with it in a dignified manner. But Mosby and Angel shake, cry, and stick to me like glue whenever it storms -- so I'm heading out to Petco to stock up on Rescue Remedy!

Thank-you again for joining my blog, and congratulations to Jane!


  1. Congrats to Jane! Hope all goes well with the storm...stay safe!


  2. y'all stay safe....i am sure you are preparing to deal with irene in the best way you can....thoughts are with you all in harm's way......

  3. Hi Deborah,
    I'm so excited to be the winner of your very generous giveaway! I didn't know that I had won. Our closest HomeGoods store is in Myrtle Beach, SC, which is about an hour and a half from where we live. I see a day trip in my future! Thanks so much!


I LOVE comments! Thank-you so much for taking the time to visit my blog and to write a note. Please make sure your email is on your profile if you would like a reply.
