
Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Calm After the Storm

We make it through Hurricane Irene unscathed, and I hope those of you in the area made it through okay as well.  Our biggest issues this morning were lots of downed branches (but no trees, thankfully!), a headache (I sometimes get migraines from changing barometric pressure), and two dogs with extremely full bladders.  I tried to take them out last night during the storm, but when I opened the door I swear they looked outside, looked at me, then looked at each other, clearly thinking "she's gone nuts!"  The little one, who can't hold it, went through two belly bands -- which I think may well be up there with electricity in terms of greatest inventions of all times.  Those of you with little male dogs know what I'm talking about.

So now it's on to finishing up some painting projects.  I'm trying to get as much done as I can before my tag sale next Saturday, so I should have some things to show you soon!

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