
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Separated at Birth?

In my last post I talked about thrifting karma. Do I have a doozy of an example today!

Have you checked out One Kings Lane yet?  It's a great online retailer that features "Tastemaker Tag Sales" offering deep discounts on goods picked out by top designers.  It's a wonderful site for design education and inspiration.

Yesterday they featured selections from Mary McDonald, whom you may know as one of the designers on Bravo's Million Dollar Decorator.  As I was scanning through the beautiful items I came across these vintage prints:
They were originally $1,110, marked down on One Kings Lane to $495.

They caught my eye not only because they're pretty cool.  They also looked familiar.  Here's why:

That very same day I had picked up this set!

Please forgive my crummy photos -- I'm still trying to figure out how to take a good photo of a picture framed with glass. (Any suggestions are welcome!) But you get the gist.

The description on the One Kings Lane says they are hand colored prints with green mats.  The ones I have are painted onto the glass, with fabric backing. Mine also have writing on the bottom, which the Mary McDonald picks do not.  They are not exact matches.  Her choices are probably older, although the year isn't indicated, and more valuable as a collectible.But if you want the look without the price, mine are a pretty good substitute.

$1,100 marked down to $495.  A pretty great markdown.
I found these for $13.95 each at Goodwill. Hot damn!


1 comment:

  1. Not only did you make a great find, but your frames are more interesting! Love your blog!!


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