
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nifty Thrifty Finds!

I had to get a thrifting fix this week.  I wonder if there is a rehab center for thrifting addicts?  There is just something about the thrill of the hunt and finding a great vintage piece for next to nothing! It never gets boring. This week I didn't find any furniture, but I did find some great home accessories.  Some of the stash are going in my Etsy store, but I'm keeping a couple for myself -- a girl's gotta give herself some little treats, right?

First, one of the mysteries of thrift and antique shopping.  Have you ever experienced this?  You find something in one store, then find duplicates in other stores?  I've had this happen in different stores, in different towns, and different times of the year.  It's like the universe decided I had to have whatever the item is, and then I had to have more of it!  This really is one of the great mysteries of my life.  The other is seeing one shoe on the side of the road.  I've seen them all over the place, all over the country.  City streets and country roads. Where do they come from?  Why only one shoe?  I mean are people accidentally throwing one shoe out of the car window?  Or if you're walking along the side of the road, wouldn't you notice if all of a sudden you're missing one shoe? These are things to ponder. But I digress ...

About a month ago I found a set of six of these dessert glasses at an estate sale.  I think they're so sweet, and just the right size for sorbet or a scoop of ice cream.  I put them in my Etsy store.  Then this week I found six more!

I love the blue of this glass pitcher, and it matches some vintage blue glass dessert plates I have.  This one's a keeper.

I just couldn't resist this "flower power" mug set.  Love the little creamer! It's not really my style though, so it's going on Etsy.

This shot of turquoise would add something special to any buffet table.

I have a thing for little bud vases.  For a spring brunch or a dinner party I like to put one by each place setting with a little bloom in it.  This one is a beautiful cut-crystal.  It's just lovely, and so was the price -- 50 cents!

This creamer is Haviland Limoges, made in France.

And this adorable little teapot was made in France as well.

Have you had any nifty thrifty finds lately?

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