
About Me

A marketing consultant by day and a decorating junkie always; I love beautiful things, but hate to pay retail for something I can do myself or find cheaper. I’d rather use the money for traveling, entertaining, family, pets, and even saving. (Okay … and shoes … I do have a thing for shoes!) So I’m always on the hunt for my next "fix." If I find something that's a bit too shabby, or needs to be updated, I grab my paintbrush and get to work. 

When I find something great on Craigslist, at a thrift shop, yard sale or auction, I just can't pass it up. Because of my "habit," our garage is usually too full of stuff to squeeze through -- let alone get our cars in! So I started selling my painted furniture on Craigslist, and in the fall of 2012 I opened a space to sell my finds and my upcycled furniture. 

The shop is called Mr. P's Emporium (check us out on Facebook) and it is named after one of my rescue dogs because a portion of the proceeds benefit the organization from which we adopted him. I also sell at the annual Lucketts Spring Market.

I live in Virginia with an understanding husband. Our two sons are pretty much grown and out of the house, but with three dogs and three cats, our house is still very full! My design style is ever-evolving, but I've always loved vintage, a little French, a little shabby, and a little bling. Southern cottage meets Parisian apartment! I like rooms to look like they've evolved over the years, and love the juxtaposition of new and old, fancy and plain.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you'll follow along! 


  1. Hi Deborah..... I love your blog. You and I could have been born together at birth. You think and style like me. I have the same addition as you it is a sickness but a good sickness. I can hardly go a day without thinking about a Thrift store or garage sale fix I need to make it through the day. This is your long lost friend in Seattle. "Marilyn" the redhead. OOXX Good Luck with the Blog and Esty. I have a shop on Esty too named GarboGirl but have not listed anything for awhile. But LOVE Esty!!!!!

  2. just brought home a farm style table today....courtesy of husband thinks i am nutty...but he loves me just the same...i have a lot of projects in the "hopper" your blog and your pics....virginia is such a beautiful spot....i am in az...but i think i have a southern soul....or at least a country soul.....i definitely will be following you

  3. Thank you for the Mecury Glass info- love it! Also love Craigs List to. My family hails from Va. Lovingston, Haymarket and Richmond area. I'm up North in NJ. Can't wait to see whay you do next!

  4. Yea! I am #107. It wasn't enough to just get CLJ by email - I just had to be an official follower! And now I can enter all your drawings! Yea! XXOO Patty

  5. Ha! I love designer things, too... but those retail prices, ugh!

    I'm in VA! I love it here...sigh.

  6. Just found your blog and love it. Where is the shop you sell out of? I would love to visit. vera in Texas

    1. Hi Vera, I'm in Manassas, VA. If you're ever in the area let me know!


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