
Monday, August 4, 2014

Newest Addition ot Mr. P's

Hey there!  It's been awhile.  Today I thought I'd show you the latest piece I've added to Mr. P's Emporium. 
I got this dresser on Craigslist, and like the space cadet I am, I didn't get a "before" shot.  Picture it your basic brown wood with a scratched-up top.  Got that in your head?  Great.  Here it is now.
It may look innocent, but this baby gave me a world of trouble.  All my own doing, of course, but still.
After sanding the top, I painted it in the sun, on a hot and humid day. Which thickened the paint, creating blobs and bubbles.  Do not try this at home, boys and girls.  It was a mess. So I had to sand all that off the top and paint it again. (I'd painted the sides and drawers previously and luckily they were alright.) 
Then I tried a new topcoat (General Finishes in Satin).  I applied it with a sponge brush, and each stroke from the brush showed when it was dry.  I've heard good things about this product, so I have no idea what I did wrong.  So ... yep ... I sanded it down again.  Then I painted it again.  I ended up finishing it with two coats of American Paint Company clear wax.
For a simple little dresser, it took me forever! But it's finally done, painted in ASCP Paris Gray, and distressed.  I delivered it to the booth today.
And here's how Mr. P's is looking now. 
If you're in the area, come by and see us!  We're located in the Home Store, 9720 Liberia Avenue, in Manassas, VA.


  1. I like it! Dressers are always SO much more work than you think they will be.

  2. It could be the heat and humidity. I've had to add to add Floritol a few times this summer to paint. Love the dresser!


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