
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My Hoarding Confession

When my friend used to call me a hoarder because of my stash of furniture, I'd just laugh.  I knew I wasn't a hoarder because I bought that furniture to paint and sell ... I had no problem letting go of it.
And while getting ready to put the house on the market I've made about a gazillion trips to Goodwill with clothes, household items, basically a ton of things that we don't use and don't need.  What kind of hoarder does that?
But then came the time to go through my shoes ...
I have shoes in two closets, plus in bins in the basement.  Winter shoes and spring/summer shoes.  I switch them out seasonally.
Now the reality is at this stage in my life, because I don't really work much outside of the house anymore other than occasionally having to go to a meeting and working at the vendor mall where I have Mr. P's, I only wear about a handful of my shoes regularly.
But when I started sorting through the shoes to give them to Goodwill, something snapped.
I just might need those 15 pairs of high heel pumps in a variety of colors in case I ever go back to work full time.  And those 12 pairs of dressy shoes?  Who knows when I'll be going to a black tie event?
Those silver flats are actually quite versatile.  And you never know when a pair of turquoise wedges are going to come in handy!
Then I started finding doubles of things.  Like two pairs of new knee high black boots because I forgot I bought the first pair.  Which I didn't actually need because I already had a pair of knee high black boots.  Actually a few pairs. Flat ones and ones with heels. I just really like boots.
So I mustered up my strength and gave a couple pairs of the boots to Goodwill.  It wasn't easy, but I did it. 
But that leaves a lot of shoes I still need to go through and weed out.  I'm actually afraid to count them!
And it's really hard for me.
So I admit it.  I'm Deborah and I'm a shoe hoarder.  There, I said it! 
Now I just have to force myself to go through them and give a bunch to Goodwill. 
I'll do it.
(But you never know when you might need a pair of sequined black sandals ...)

1 comment:

  1. You have done so well weeding out other stuff ... Give yourself a break with the shoes. Get some underbed containers and put them under the guest bed for now.


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