
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Difficult Decision

Normally at this time of the year I'd start getting ready for the Lucketts Spring Market. With a heavy heart, I've had to make the very hard decision not to do it this year.  I love doing Lucketts, and it's been quite profitable for me.  Even last year when we had a downpour and everything almost got soaked!


I put off making the decision for as long as I could, even reserving the space, but I just don't see how I can do it this year along with trying to sell the house.

The last couple of years the weeks before the Market my house has looked like this:


Furniture piled up in the living room, the dining room, and in the basement. 

Fast forward to this year, and I just spent weeks getting the basement cleared out so it doesn't look like a hoarder lives down there. Not to mention once the house goes on the market it needs to be "show ready" all the time.

Somehow I just don't see rooms filled with piled-up furniture as being show ready!

So I had to bite the bullet and pass on this year's Market.

But my friend Connie from Hartwood Roses will be taking over my space with her painted furniture. Connie shared the space with me the year before last, and she is one talented lady! 

And since I can't stay away, I'll be there helping her out. 

It won't be quite the same, but at least I'll get my Lucketts "hit."  And I'll be back next year with my stuff!

I know those of you in the area won't want to miss it, so mark your calendars for this year's Market: Saturday and Sunday, May 17 and 18.  Please plan on stopping by to say "hi!"


  1. i totally enjoyed NOT being a vendor and just soaking it in- i hope you will, too!

  2. Maybe you'll find some treasures for your new house. Or, perhaps you can still bring a few pieces to feel that rush of selling! =)

  3. I'm sorry that you won't be vending, but thrilled that you are still coming to share the experience with me. It wouldn't be the same without you. I know how hard it was for you to decide not to vend this year.

  4. Sounds like you made a good decision! And now you'll have more time to shop!

  5. Ugh, I feel your pain! But you are right to bow out this year with everything you have going on... I wish I could go! I'm sure Connie will do great!


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