
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine's Mantel

What are you doing for Valentine's Day this year?  Anything romantic?
We're supposed to get 5"-10" of snow tonight and tomorrow, so shoveling the driveway a deux will probably be about as romantic as it gets around here! (Can I just say I'm sick of this weather?) 

Oh well, at least I got my Valentine's mantel done!

I'm happy with the way it turned out.

Some pink carnations in tarnished silver pitchers.

Vintage-inspired Valentines I made last year.

 The heart wreath I bought at Home Goods a couple of years ago and some rosy votives.

This year's rendition looks soooo much better against the white brick.  Here's last year before I painted the fireplace and mantel.

It just looks so much crisper now.

So even if we're snowed in, we have a bit of Valentine's cheer in the house.

And whatever you end up doing --
Have a Happy Valentine's Day! 


  1. love the swan card! very cute! i did nothing for vday- the snow has me not thinking about it. we are getting 16-20". yep. wow. over it.

  2. Hi Deborah! I know it's Valentine's Day, but there's something so fresh and springy about your mantel, it's just perfect and I love what you did!

    I hope you've fared okay with all the snow--It was a doozy of a storm for us, that's for sure!


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