
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Perfect Find at a Perfect Price

You know that feeling you get when you're at an antique mall or thrift shop and there in the corner you spot it?  It's just what you've been looking for!  But while your heart is going pitter pat, your brain is saying "I bet it's going to cost more than I want to spend."
Well I've been looking for a coffee table for my family room for awhile now.  It had to be something fairly small in scale because there isn't a lot of space in that room. 

I've been looking for a piece to paint, but to be realistic, I only have time to paint things for the shop.  Anything for me gets pushed down to the bottom of the pile.  Especially these days when I'm overwhelmed with trying to get the house ready to go on the market.
So recently I was checking out an antique mall for the first time, and I spotted it.  There was one painted furniture booth in the mall and right in the front was a darling little vintage table. Already painted white.

I approached it cautiously.  Was I setting myself up for disappointment?  I peeked at the tag ... it was marked down from $45 to $20! Seriously, $20!
I did a little happy dance right there in the booth!  The perfect size, a great price -- and I don't have to do anything to it!

I don't know which is better, the price, or that I don't have to do anything.  The table is sturdy, in good condition, and already painted!

I love it in the family room.  It's just the right size to sit in front of the loveseat so people have a place to set their drinks, without taking up a lot of space.

The perfect find! The perfect price! That's what I love about the thrill of the hunt!


Sharing at:  Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Monday, February 17, 2014

Spring Fever

Are you as sick of this weather as I am?  We got a dumping of snow last week, and more is in the forecast for tonight.

I. Just. Can't. Take. It. Any. More!!

Luckily for my sanity, we are supposed to get a reprieve later in the week with temperatures in the 60's.  That makes me realize that Spring is just around the corner.

It can't get here soon enough for me, so I decided to cool my Spring fever with some eye candy.

One thing that always says Spring to me are tulips.  I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, and a trip to Skagit Valley to see the tulips in bloom was usually a yearly must-do.

The Flower Path -Skagit Valley Tulip Festival 2009 photo by Bryan Swan on Flicker
Bryan Swan,

Tulips just always look cheery and happy to me. Aren't these adorable bunched in this "Tulips" crate?

spring spring spring!

And these in this wire basket.

I have a chicken wire basket we can line it with burlap...or gingham...and fill it with either baby's breath or orange tulips.


Bring some tulips into the house, and well the photo says it -- you've added a touch of Spring!

Sylvia's Simple Life: Inspired... by Flowers
Sylvia's Simple Life

But it's not just tulips that make me think of Spring -- any flower will do.
Don't these Forget-Me-Nots look sweet?
And I can day dream about sitting in this meadow on a warm Spring day.
Ahhhhh....  Makes looking out at the dirty snow and the thought of more to come almost bearable! With photos like these and the promise of warmer weather to come, I might just make it through! 
All photos from Pinterest.  Sources and links provided where available.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine's Mantel

What are you doing for Valentine's Day this year?  Anything romantic?
We're supposed to get 5"-10" of snow tonight and tomorrow, so shoveling the driveway a deux will probably be about as romantic as it gets around here! (Can I just say I'm sick of this weather?) 

Oh well, at least I got my Valentine's mantel done!

I'm happy with the way it turned out.

Some pink carnations in tarnished silver pitchers.

Vintage-inspired Valentines I made last year.

 The heart wreath I bought at Home Goods a couple of years ago and some rosy votives.

This year's rendition looks soooo much better against the white brick.  Here's last year before I painted the fireplace and mantel.

It just looks so much crisper now.

So even if we're snowed in, we have a bit of Valentine's cheer in the house.

And whatever you end up doing --
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!