
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Vignettes

Twas just days before Christmas, and all through the house ... are holiday vignettes!  I thought I'd better show them to you before Christmas comes and goes! 

I kept things very simple this year, mainly because I was thinking of the work taking everything down, and I have a lot on my plate next month.  Not that I was bah humbugging or anything, because I love to decorate for the season.  I just didn't do as much as I usually do.

Here's what I do have.  When you come in the door you're greeted with this display.

I got the "Merry Christmas" sign at the Lucketts Design House this year. 

I love the combo of burlap and glitter!

On the other side of the foyer is this little vignette under the mirror.  Dollar Tree trees from last year.

A grouping on the buffet table in the dining room.

I spray painted the reindeer silver last year.

Some fresh greenery.

In the living room I have a display of ornaments on the coffee table.

And big and little ornaments, pine cones and greenery scattered elsewhere in the room.


I love this sweet vintage ornament I got as a gift many years back.

And here is the Christmas Tree, done up in blues, greens and silver and white.

The family room has the mantel, which you can see here.

I hope you're all ready for the holiday, and can enjoy these last few days stress-free!

1 comment:

  1. I love your decorations, Deborah--Especially what you've done with the ornaments in the bowls.

    I hope you're doing well, and I also hop you have a ·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´ Merry, Merry Christmas!!


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