
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Just a Little Something

Have you ever seen something, and just had to have it?

It just calls to you?

You don't know why, but you know it when you see it.

I came across one of those pieces recently during an antiquing expedition.

It's really not much of anything.  What could it possibly be for?  It's too small to use as an actual piece of furniture.  

But it's just the right size to grab me and say, "Look at this wonderful color of green.  And these lovely painted flowers."

So it came home with me.

Wherever it goes it will call to me to rest my eyes on it's peaceful color combination and sigh at its cuteness.

It's just a little something that makes me happy when I look at it. I love it when I find pieces like that!

Hope you all have a great weekend, full of happy finds!


  1. Isn't it a foot stool? It will make a cute display stand.

    1. It looks like a foot stool, but it's very small. Maybe one foot would fit on it!

  2. I remember this!! That color and the flowers ARE totally to die for! Glad to see that you still have it.

  3. cupcake or cake stand would be fun and different it !


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