
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Christmas Tree Ideas

Typically, the day after Thanksgiving I take down the fall décor (I like to leave it up for Thanksgiving Day) and start in on the Christmas decorations.  This year however I got blindsided by a bad cold and spent Friday in bed.  Since I'm not quite up to decorating yet, I spent this morning looking at some Christmas Tree ideas and sipping hot tea. Now I'm really in the mood to decorate!

I thought I'd share some that caught my eye, in case you're looking for some inspiration too.


I love the green, brown and neutral colors in this room.
And the gold and green touches in this one.

Here's another neutral room.  I like the idea of elevating a small tree if you have a small space.

But in case you're thinking I'm just going for neutral rooms, the bright happy colors in this tree grabbed me too.

And this one with the giant snowflakes.

My favorite though, is this one in blues, greens and silver.  This will be the color scheme I'm doing on our tree this year.
And lastly, I had to show this bookcase tree because I think it's so clever!
Hope you all are getting into the holiday spirit!  


  1. Fun inspiration. We don't have our tree up but our village houses are ready to be enjoyed! Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Hi Deborah! What great trees and ideas! Now I only need to get that tree! :-) I hope you are feeling better, and will post photos of YOUR tree when you put it up, I'd love to see it!! Take care!!

  3. Very nice innovative idea i appreciate your work we also offer creative things my site is


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