
Monday, October 7, 2013

Plan B Table

How was your weekend? 
Of course as soon as I put away my summer clothes and brought out the fall gear, the weather changed here.  We had a weekend of 85-90 degree weather with humidity.  What's wrong with this picture??!!  It's October!  In October we're supposed to have crisp days and chilly nights, wear sweaters, sip hot apple cider and wipe the frost off the pumpkins!
And like the weird weather, my weird furniture mojo continues.  I bought this little table already painted.  It had a black top and white stencils in the corners, and was on first appraisal very cute.  Unfortunately, when I looked at it closer in better light, I saw that they hadn't prepped the surface well before painting, and coffee cup rings and other imperfections were showing through the paint.  I just didn't want to try to sell it like that as it didn't look good, and to be honest, I thought it would be a reflection on my painting skills. 
So I sanded off the paint on the top and my original plan was to redo the black top and stencils since their idea was a good one.  The black top went perfect.  I used General Finishes milk paint in lamp black and nary a blemish was to be found.
Then I tried stenciling.  Now, I've stenciled furniture before with no issues.  But for some reason, every time I tried it on this piece the stencil came out smeared.  I tried two different types of paint (ASCP and GF milk paint), and both a sponge and a stencil brush.   I really don't know what was happening, other than I must have been putting too much paint on the stencil.  But after trying, messing up, sanding, and repainting the top four times I just plain old gave up. Call me a quitter if you will.
On to Plan B.  I painted over the black with Ce Ce Caldwell vintage white.  Then I wet distressed the edges so that the black came through.  I didn't touch the legs, they already had black accents.  Now it reminds me a bit of a tin top table with the edges worn off.
Here it is at Mr. P's.  A little table that ended up being a big lesson in frustration.  Before I try to stencil again I'll have to practice my technique on cardboard so I don't go through this next time.
I also stopped by my local Goodwill this weekend and found this dresser with a nightstand.  I'm painting it now - and no stenciling is in the plan!
Have a great week!


  1. Yeah, stenciling for me is hit or miss too. I know it's me not the paint but I do love the look. I really like this table the way that it is now, and you're right it does look a little like an old tin or enameled table. Sorry the weather stunk, it rained here all weekend we got up to 8 inches in some areas!

  2. i am not usually a big stencil or graphics person... i have one i just did that i like, but i am a simple girl! the table looks perfect to me!


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