
Monday, August 5, 2013

Salvation Army Chair

I hope you all had a good weekend!  The weather here was beautiful most of Saturday and all day Sunday.  Unfortunately I had to work at the shop on Saturday, and chores kept me inside on Sunday, but I hear my overgrown garden calling my name!

Today I thought I'd show you this quick makeover I did for myself.  I found this chair at The Salvation Army.

I didn't take a real "before" photo, but here it is after I removed the cording that was around the back and taped off the upholstery.

The upholstery was in great shape, which is unusual. The chair had some scratches and scuffs, but just mainly needed some freshening  up.  I'll probably reupholster it sometime down the road, but the existing fabric goes with the colors in my living room, so for now I left it as is.

I wanted to lighten it up, so I did a couple of coats of ASCP Paris Grey, followed by a light distressing, and a bit of Briwax in Golden Oak.

And here it is all prettied up!

The Paris Grey matches the lighter color in the upholstery.

The distressing helps to bring out some of the detailing.

Add a throw pillow, and it's good to go.  A comfy seat to read in or plop into after a long day.

And at $30, it was a steal!

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