
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dresser Makeover Finally Done!

The project from H E double toothpicks is finally done.  As I told you about in this post, I have had nothing but problems with this piece.  The latest being major bleed-through when I painted it white.

I took Cassie from Primitive & Proper's advice and decided to paint it black, distressing it back to see the white undercoat.

I never did get a proper before shot of the dresser, but here it is without the drawers, so you can see the color.

Here's a photo showing the bleed-through.  I tried shellac and Kilz, and nothing stopped it from coming through.

So I bought some General Finishes milk paint in Lamp Black and painted over the bleed-through mess.

And here's how it turned out.

I wet sponge distressed areas to show the white paint underneath, and changed out the knobs from the simple wood ones that were originally on the piece to some pretty crystal ones.

Can I just say I'm sooo happy this baby is done?

Now I can move on to some other pieces -- which is a good thing since I got a call that my booth was almost sold out!  I'll be taking the dresser and some smalls out tomorrow, then moving on to my next piece--the highboy that goes with the dresser.

Hopefully now that I know what I'm in for, it will go much more smoothly.

And I have to admit I'm going to an auction tomorrow night.  Yes, I'm breaking my self-imposed moratorium on buying before I finish the pieces I have.  But my booth is so empty I'm hoping I can find some things that don't need any work to put in it.

Yep, that's my excuse.  Not that I've really missed picking or anything.  Nope not that at all.  This shopping excursion is an necessity!

I'll let you know if I get any good stuff!

Sharing At:

Elizabeth & Co: Be Inspired
The Dedicated House: Make it Pretty Monday
Green Willow Pond: What we Accomplished Wednesday
French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday
Miss Mustard Seed: Furniture Feature Friday
Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday


  1. LOVE i!!!! so gorgeous!!!!! and thanks for the shout out! :) just glad i was able to help!

  2. Yay!!! This looks really great, Deborah! (BTW, an empty booth is a GOOD problem to have.)

  3. it's gorgeous!! that mirror - oh my!!

  4. Hello Deborah,

    My name is Katy and I'm the social media coordinator for KILZ brand products. I noticed that you said that the bleed-through was still showing even after you primed with shellac and KILZ. In regards to primer consistency, primers don't have to be opaque to do it's job. It's very common for people to look for a 'blanket of white' primer coating, but it's not specifically relevant. It's one of the most common misunderstandings. We have a product called MAX Clear that blocks stains from bleeding through paint, but it dries clear so it doesn't hide at all. You want to be concerned if the primer has a watery, milky consistency after it has been stirred. We would be happy to discuss this further so please contact us directly at Thanks!

  5. I just guess that black was her color all along:)


  6. Well it turned out beautifully despite the troubles! A product that has worked well for me is Rustoleums clear Matte spray, I spray it over the wood and it does a great job of sealing in stains. Try it next time, it might save you a headache!

  7. Deborah, I’m so sorry the Kilz didn’t work. Your inspiration turned out gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend.

  8. I am drooling over this... It's absolutely beautiful.... Sorry you had so much trouble with it. I found you through MMS and I'm so happy I did. I'm your newest follower!

    1. Thanks Suzie! Can't reply to you directly because you're a no reply blogger, but I really appreciate your comment!

  9. Wow, look at those pretty curves! And so sophisticated in black!

  10. This dresser turned out beautifully. I am not familiar with the wet sponge technique. Did you create the technique and what is it?


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