
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Aqua Eye Candy

I am in an aqua mood these days.

Maybe it's because Spring and better weather is taking its own sweet time getting here in Northern Virginia. 

Snow.  Freezing wind and rain.  Doesn't the weather know what season it is?!

So I am in serious need of some eye candy to brighten my spirits.  It's a lot cheaper than my other choice of pick-me-up: retail therapy!

Aqua reminds me of a day spent at the beach.

The sun glistening off of the water. 

The rush of the waves as they come in and hit the shore, followed by the soft murmur as the swish back out to their home.

The way, on a perfect day, the sky melds into the sea.

So I love the idea of bringing that color into the house.

It just makes me happy.

I have a few touches here and there, but I have a hankering to paint something in our house aqua.  And not  just a piece of furniture!

But I've promised myself not to start any house projects until after the Lucketts Spring Market.

I need to stay focused! (Now there's a concept!)

So in the meantime I'll have to make due with pretty aqua pictures.  A little pick-me-up that costs nothing!

I hope you enjoyed them too!

All photos from Pinterest.  Sourced when info was available.

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Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday


  1. I did. I did. I have been in an aqua phase for quite a while now and had to force myself to start in with a few other colors. It definitely brings a beachy feel into the house.

  2. Aqua must work because this post made me happy too.

  3. My best friend is getting married in June and her colors are coral and aqua. It's a great color! :)


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