
Friday, January 25, 2013

Valentine's Crafts

How are you doing today?  Are you keeping warm?  It has been frigging freezing all week here in Northern VA.!  I'm a weather wimp.  I hate the cold.  I'll do what I have to do--but I'll whine about it!

Between the weather and my lingering cold, all I wanted to do this week was hibernate.  So I didn't really get anything major done.  I did come to a conclusion on where to move Mr. P's.  I'm going to check this weekend to make sure the space I want is still available before I give my notice.

About the only other thing I accomplished was making some Valentine's do-hickeys.

I made some hangers.

And some handmade Valentines.



I got this  great Valentine's Fairy graphic from the Graphics Fairy and put it in a little frame.

And I made some instant Valentine's Day decor with these handmade hearts in milkglass bud vases.  I also painted a little heart box.

I took some of them out to Mr. P's today, where I set up a little Valentine's Day display.

Valentine's gifts for her on the right.

And for him on the left.

Personally I think vintage is an appropriate gift for any holiday!

I also have these book wreaths.

Love the sparkly heart in the middle!

And these little primitive hearts.

Plus a couple of appropriate lavender sachets.

Now I'm in the Valentine's Day mood, I've decided I need to do a Valentine's mantel in my home.  Stay tuned for that endeavor!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend--and stay warm!

Sharing at:

French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday
My Romantic Home: Show & Tell Friday
Elizabeth & Co.: Be Inspired


  1. Love the book wreaths with heart centers!

  2. How sweet, Deborah. You may be cooped up on your cold winter days, but you found the perfect project. Can’t wait to see your mantle. May you enjoy your weekend. (do we get a hint on your decision?)


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