
Monday, January 21, 2013

Miss Mustard Seed Book Giveaway Winner

Happy Monday!
I hope your weekend was more relaxing than mine.  On Saturday I took all three dogs to the vet.  Now my dogs are fairly well trained and usually very well behaved, but this is never a calm activity. My lab-mix is vet-phobic and the golden feeds off of his energy.  But in the long run it's easier than doing three separate trips. 

This time was an especially stress-filled adventure:  As I was in the waiting room dealing with one quivering medium and one nervous large-sized dog trying to climb into my lap (at the same time!), I lost hold of the little dog's leash and he proceeded to go right into the middle of the lobby and poop.  Uh, embarrassing!!! The dog owners gave me sympathetic smiles.  The cat owners looked aghast. 

Then Saturday night my husband was up all night with the flu.  Which meant I was up all night. 

Sunday I attacked the house with cleansers and Lysol while he slept.
Good times.  Good times.
But you don't care about that--you care about who won Miss Mustard Seed's book! 
The winner of the random drawing from the entries is Linda from Coastal Charm!
Congratulations to Linda, and thank-you to all of you who took the time to read my post and enter the contest!

Hoping we all have stress-free weeks!


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  1. What a great way to start off my week! Thanks so much:)


  2. Oh, my! Your weekend sounds like it was pretty awful. Here's to wishing that your week ahead is better and that your husband is on the mend. (Nevermind about the dog poop ... it's pretty easy to clean up ... besides, that's why you don't find carpet that the vet ... except at Southpaws, but that's another story.)

  3. Oh my is right ~ hope hubby's on the mend. Still smiling over your vet trip . . .


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