
Monday, January 14, 2013

Down with the Flu

Unfortunately I can personally attest to the veracity of the headlines saying the flu season has come early! 
Over the weekend my cold morphed into a full blown case of the flu. But I just wanted to write a quick note today to thank those of you who wrote comments or sent me emails about last Monday's post.  I still haven't quite decided what I'm doing yet, but I really appreciate the encouragement to continue to follow my heart.
As soon as I feel better, I'll deliver the pieces I finished last week to Mr. P's, and take some photos of the new space to show you.  In the meantime, don't forget to enter my giveaway for Miss Mustard Seed's book!  You have until Friday to enter.
And now ... back to bed!
P.S.  For the germ-phobic among you: Don't worry about catching the flu from the book -- I haven't even opened it! :-) (Is that even possible flu-wise?)

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