
Saturday, December 8, 2012


This post is a bit of a hodgepodge.  Just wanted to fill you in on the going-ons this week in Confessions of a Craigslist Junkie land.
First of all, Mr. P's Emporium actually made money in the month of November.  Can we get a hallelujah?  Now, I'm not talking big bucks here.  But up until now it's just been selling enough to make the rent, which when you factor in inventory cost, etc. means that it's lost money.
Of course it's only been open a couple of months, so I wasn't expecting much.  But making money is much better than losing money, let me tell ya!

Because of that, I'm taking a leap of faith and moving to a better location in the antique mall next month, which is also a bigger space.  I've had a bit of a conundrum in the current space in that the smalls are what are paying the rent, but they are covering up the furniture so I can't display the big pieces well.  Hopefully in the new space I'll be able to handle that better.  Plus -- and this is a big plus because I was very unhappy with my other spot -- it's in a better traffic area, right in the middle of the mall.

We're moving after the holidays, and you can be sure I'll be showing you photos of the new space!
So ... um ... our house is still not decorated for Christmas yet. (Gasp!!)  But give me a break.  The weather at the beginning of this week was in the '70's.  The '70's!  In December!! In Northern Virginia!!!
Very weird, but no way was I going to stay in the house!  I started on the outside decorations, but mainly I worked on some furniture pieces I just got at a steal!
I got this Duncan Phyfe accent table from the woman who runs the antique mall. 
I forgot to take a true "before" photo, but here it is with a coat of Citristrip on the top. I didn't remember about the photos until I was in the middle of putting the goop on. But that will give you a hint as to my plans for the piece.
This tag was attached to the table.  I got it for $20!
I love the brass touches.

I also got this little table for $20. (It also just got a coat of Citristrip before I took the photo.)
Look at the detailing on this piece!
I've had this chair around for a while. 
Last year I painted it's mate black and sold it. I have totally different plans for this one, and it's going in my foyer.
Tomorrow it's supposed to be warm again, so I'm hoping I can get these pieces done and show you the finished product soon!
Another very cool piece I also got at the antique mall is this wood mirror frame.  It's huge!  And I got it for only $15!!
I love the carving.
The mirror is long gone, but I have an idea for this beauty.

I also ended up playing elf again this week.  I made some more ornaments for Mr. P's because the ones I had stocked are selling pretty well. 
Let's just say I'm really sick of modpodge ...
... But that's my hodgepodge!


  1. Glad you made money! Loving the bunch of furniture you have to update... This weather is weird but nice for working outside!

  2. Hallelujah! Moving right along to a larger space is just the ticket. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. It's so true that the right booth makes the difference. Your adorable emblem on that sofa table is covered with stuff. I get it! I love that second $20 table and the mirror frame. I'll be back to check out what you do with them!


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