
Friday, December 21, 2012

Family & Dining Room Decorations

Umm,  you know how on Monday's post about the living room decorations I said I'd post photos of my family room and dining room holiday decorations on Wednesday?

 The dining room was kept pretty simple this year  ...

And you notice that today is Friday?


Well I gotta tell you ...


I've been so busy, Wednesday came and went and I totally forgot about the post!


We're going "home" to the west coast for Christmas, and I've been shopping, and wrapping and packing and shipping and generally running around like a crazy lady.


(Okay, well crazier than usual.)


And to top it off, none of the photos that I took of the family room last weekend turned out.  They were all blurry -- probably from the overdose of caffeine I took trying to get everything done.


And of course the house isn't as spiffy-looking today as it was then, because that was right before we had friends over for dinner.


I scaled back a bit on the mantle too -- it was a kinder, simplier decorating theme this year!
So I just took some quick photos of the mantle in the family room and a couple of other areas today so I could follow through on showing you the decorations.


Because that's the kind of gal I am ... 

An unorganized, forgetful, stressed blogger who never seems to get her act together ... But if I say I'm going to do something I do it!

Only not on Wednesday.

If I was really ambitious I'd have set the dining room table.  But you can see what I did last year here if you want.

I'm feeling pretty happy that the whole thing got done at all!

Hope you had a great week, and that your weekend's even better!


  1. Well TGIF! I was too busy to read blogs and follow up anyway. Much nicer to be here and admire your lovely home now in this moment. Looking great, Deborah. To think you will return to a gorgeously decorated house for the new year is a wonderful thought. Travel safe, travel light and have the merriest time.

  2. Better late than never! Beautiful Christmas decorations. I just love all of your white pottery...gorgeous.


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