
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Turns Out, Money DOES Grow on Trees

We are surrounded by trees.

Lots and lots of trees.

And I love them. 

I love the birds and critters that call them their home and visit our feeders every morning. 

I love to see the dappled sunlight through their leaves in the spring and summer. 

I love the bright yellow and orange display they provide in the fall.

I love them covered in glistening snow in the winter. 

I love to watch their tops sway slightly in the wind--tree dancing, I call it.

Sigh.  So pretty.

But my love affair with our trees may be at an end. 

Trees get old.  They get diseased.   And then you have to take them down.  Or they fall on their own. Plus, this year we had a "land hurricane" called a Derecho.

And right about now I'm wishing my chosen profession had been to become a tree-chopper.  Do you have any idea how much it costs to take one of these suckers down?

Depending on it's location, what type of wood it is, etc., around here it will cost you in the ballpark of $2,000 to $3,500.  Per tree.

We've had to take down or chop up four trees this year.

We're lucky though.  Our tree guy gave us a bit of a discount because we gave him so much business.  A bulk rate, if you will.   

Four.  You do the math.

We had a nice vacation planned for next month.  We were going to go to Mackinac Island in Michigan.

It looks charming on Mackinac Island.  You ride horses or bikes everywhere.  We've never been. 

But instead, we'll be here.  Yep.  Us and our trees.

I tried to call our tree guy yesterday to ask him a question.  Turns out he's on vacation. 

On another island. 

In Hawaii.



  1. Wow, that's a lot! We had a huge 3 story oak taken down for $500. I feel like I got a deal though at the time I wanted to choke. The trees are beautiful but you're right, they are a pain too. Maybe your tree guy will show you his Hawaii pictures! LOL

  2. Great post. Yes, it's sad-they do cause destruction but they are awesome anyway. Really clever post.

  3. I think tree guys are the only ones who aren't complaining about the economy.

  4. omg...I am so sorry....but I laughed out loud when I read your tree guy is in Hawaii......! I laugh only because I feel your pain because we have been in the same situation and still are. Your yard looks like mine with dozens and dozens of trees (forest) and some little bug has gotten in and is killing our tall tall pine trees. Three more in the back have to come down soon. It just kills me to have to pay money for something like that. Would so rather spend my money on something pretty I can see every day, like a new bathroom. :)

  5. WE have trees that need to come down too. A few I'd like down because they are too close to the house for comfort. Some diseased. I live in Western VA also. It's not cheap. We're still looking for the "right" guys. Professional looking. Not too expensive.
    Too bad you had to kill the vacation. Can you go someplace closer to home?
    Too funny (or not) about the tree guy being in Hawaii.


  6. Yeah, pine beetles : I’m one of those crazy women who stood next to trees listening to them talk while being pelted by magnolia pods thrown by squirrels. They (the squirrels) have a really good aim. Your woods are gorgeous. At the same time hurricane Ivan demolished most of our pines we lost my husbands father, as in died. All I could say to the heavens as the $$$ tree guys left was, “Thanks, Pop.” Hawaii, sigh ...


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