
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'm in Trouble ...

Big trouble.  As in I may be up the proverbial creek. 

In one week I have the book club meeting at my house.  In two weeks I have a much larger group of women coming over for a Dining for Women event.

This is what my foyer currently looks like.

And my dining room.

I decided to take the opportunity while the china hutch was empty to paint the inside. Probably not a good idea. 

Because here's my living room.

There are currently two sofas in the living room.  That's because the new one was delivered and we haven't put the old one in the basement yet. 

Yes,  there are lots of unpacked boxes.  And yes, I've been saying for the last few weeks that I'm unpacking boxes.  Don't judge me.  I obviously have issues. The ones in the family room and kitchen are unpacked.  But that doesn't mean those rooms look any better at this point.

The dining room pretty much looks the same as it did last week, other than I was painting the coffee table in the garage and for some reason it started to crack. So now I'm painting it in the dining room.  You can see the crack in the photo here. 

I think this was where the wood was originally glued, and the heat and humidity in the garage caused it to become un-bonded or something.  It's fixable, but wasn't what I needed at this point ... clearly.

I've planned for the last two weeks to devote my time to getting everything done.  Why isn't it? 

Well last week I had a couple of fun birthday lunches.  Even though my birthday was on the 8th, the lunches go on.  My husband says it's like the Queen's Jubilee.  It's actually just a scheduling issue--but hey a birthday month is fine with me!

And two of my dogs had to go to the vet last week.  For awhile, all three will need to be on meds two times a day. Wrangling dogs for meds they do not want (particularly big dogs for ear meds) takes some time. All of my dogs are rescue dogs, and all have some kind of special needs or ongoing medical issues, either from earlier neglect, congenital problems, or psychological traumas. There's always something with this bunch. 

But really, those are excuses. I'm just not managing my time well. 

It's obvious when I look at the posts of you other bloggers. (Not to leave you readers who don't have blogs out, but I don't get to peek inside your lives like I do other bloggers.  I'm sure you're all much more together than me too!)

You all have beautiful, seemingly neat and clean homes (tell me they only look that way for photographs!).  Some of you have little kids at home. (Does a little dog in diapers count?) Some of you work full-time outside the home, while I only work freelance, part-time from my home office.  Some of you are younger than me--so I can cut myself some slack with the reasoning that you have more energy--but some of you are my age and older. 

And there you all are, creating (and finishing!) projects daily it seems--painting furniture piece after furniture piece, redecorating rooms, renovating houses, renovating and redecorating again, designing and maintaining showplace gardens, spitting out crafts, starting new businesses, expanding businesses, and generally being more productive than frigging rabbits!  (I say that with love.  Envious love. But love nonetheless.)

Plus you all take beautiful photographs and write a lot more posts than I do (of course you have a lot more things to share because of the aforementioned productivity issue).

HOW do you do it??? Please share your secrets!!!

Anyway, instead of whining about not getting things done, I'd better get off my patooti, step away from the computer, and actually go do something.

However, two sofas may be kind of comfy for the book club.  We can sprawl out, put our feet up on some boxes, open a bottle of wine, and have a great discussion!

... Of course I still haven't read the book ...


  1. The funniest part is the fact you haven't read the book! Just do what I do when I have crap all over the house and am hosting an event... Sove it all into one room and shut the door!! Also, I'm a big fan of making a list and checking things off.. Good luck and don't be too hard on yourself ... your friends will understand :) - Susan

  2. This is actually a good thing. You now have a timeline in which you simply must finish what you can. Having an end point gives you something distinct to work towards. Use a few days for each room and really focus on putting just that room together. You can do this!

  3. Hey Girl, cut yourself some slack! Your house looks like most of ours who are everyday people. Don't know about you, but a few weeks ago I found I was putting in more time on the computer than getting my own projects done. And, I guess that's an excuse too, but I was. I've cut that way down. But, all of the things you just talked about, they are all real and take lots of time. There are only 24 hours in a day. Your work is so good, we've all seen it, and looks right now as if you're in the middle of a hundred things.

    Throw table cloths or paint cloths over the boxes, put a sign on top "under construction #34 of 208 - and have some laughs. These are people who know you, right? They love you, boxes and all. I don't know you and you're an inspiration to me with all of the creative things you do. Life just got a bit ahead of you. And, hey, birthdays only come around once a year and as we get older each one is more important - so enjoy - for fun make a cake and tell all this is your birthday month!

    Someone as talented as you are will probably get most of what you want done or not let on! Finish what you can, the rest will follow!

    After all, we all know where you'll be and what you'll be doing for a while!


  4. Oh no! I could say something like count all the blessings for good friends and a great husband, BUT this is daunting. OK, you seem to be grace under pressure when you put your mind to it. How ‘bout we make a deal and challenge you to post after pictures? One room at a time starting with your fab living room? Watching paint dry is NOT what you need to be doing right now. Love this post ~ absolutely love it!


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