
Friday, July 6, 2012

Hot Enough for You?

When the clerk at Safeway asked me that, I knew I was officially cranky.

Because I wanted to punch him in the nose.

After running around doing errands all morning in the heat, I'm hot and witchy with a b.  Yes, I've tried telling myself that I'm lucky to have an air-conditioned car.  That I'm lucky to have electricity at home. 

That I'm not in Colorado dealing with wildfires or a farmer in the Midwest dealing with drought.

I know I'm lucky that I don't live in a third world country with not only no A/C but also no running water.

And I know he was just trying to be friendly.

But I still wanted to punch him.

I didn't, though--which I'm sure you'll all be glad to hear!  You wouldn't want to be reading the blog of a raving mad woman, now would you?  I just smiled and said, "Wow, sure is.  How about you?" 

Maybe he wanted to punch me in the nose too. It's making us all irritable around here, and there's no end in sight.  Tomorrow is supposed to be another record-breaking day. 

I told my son who is in Afghanistan that I felt guilty complaining about 105 degrees with 115 heat indexes when he's dealing with 120 degrees. His answer--"yeah, but at least it's not humid." :-)

Because we all know it's not the heat ... it's the humidity.  And boy, does it get humid in Northern Virginia!  When we first moved here almost 10 years ago people told me I'd get used to it.  Either they lied, or my body just refuses to accept the fact that it's not in the moderate Pacific Northwest or Bay Area anymore!

So another weekend will go by without doing all the things I need/want to do outside.  Like weeding the garden ... sprucing up the plant containers ... sanding furniture ... finishing cleaning up the storm debris ... sipping a Mojito on the deck ...

Oh well, it's not like I don't have plenty to keep me busy inside.  And I really do appreciate how lucky I am, I do.

So I'm going to try to slap my cranky self around and have a good weekend.  Maybe go to a nice, air-conditioned movie.

What are your plans?  I hope you all have a great weekend, and if you're living in heat-wave country you stay cool and happy!


  1. The humidity is the worst thing ever - Montreal is a very humid city - people with asthma often have to move from here because of it -
    Add menopause on top of that and I am stark raving mad at times lol
    Great post!

  2. I'm from Upstate NY, moved here to VA in '89. I still can't get used to it -and the older I get the crankier I get. So hang in there. Next week, it will be cooler, but with a chance of rain/storms a few days - which also stinks! I love Autumn here just hang on!

  3. I love your photo!! You made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair!

    God bless your son, and please let him know we are so proud and thankful for his service to our country. We appreciate all he, and his fellow members, do for us to keep us free and protect us. I will keep him in my prayers.

    Also, Deborah, thank you, your husband and family for your service to our country. Most don't realize that you all hold up the fort while he is away. worry about him, pray for him, and you all have to listen to the stupid people who don't have sense to know the difference between a right and freedom and liberty. They take for granted all will remain the same if we didn't have a defense, pah hooey hooey! This is what makes me a little witchy with a b. So, thank you all!

    We've actually been blessed here on the West Coast. Very mild weather, but it's SUPPOSED to warm up and be triple digits this weekend. My garden will like it, I will need a hankie to wipe down my forehead and keep a pony tail up! But, it'll make my garden grow!

    Have a great weekend - inside! Stay cool, calm and collected (can't believe I just remembered that commercial!)


  4. Fun photos! I feel your pain on the hot weather, I hate to be hot. Solution move to northern Michigan, right now it is a blissful 66 degrees my window are open and I have on a light sweater. But in the winter that is another story, the cold and snow, like the heat and humidity, they said...I'll get used to it!!! Hope you are staying cool, thanks for following, I'm a follower of yours. Laura

  5. Thank your son for me for all that he is doing for us. We live in a Marine town. My husband works at the base. Being a Mom and a Nana, I want to hug all of them. I'm on the coast of North Carolina so I know hot when I see it. I wouldn't want to be reminded about it either. I'm from Michigan... they've been hot this summer too. It's everywhere!


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