
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

In the Area of DC? Wanna Flea?

The DC Big Flea is this weekend at the Dulles Expo Center! Connie from Hartwood Roses and I are meeting up on Saturday at 9AM to do a little antiquing, a little junk hunting--and a lot of gabbing! Want to join us? 

If you live in the greater DC area and would like to come along, just leave me a comment (make sure your email address is on your profile), or send me an email, and I'll follow up with the details. 

You never know what you'll find at the Big Flea, but it's always a fun time, so let's flea!


  1. I do, I do!!! Wait a minute ... I'm already coming with you. I get so carried away.

  2. Sounds like loads of fun...have a wonderful time!

  3. Wish I could! Have a fantastic time and don't forget to post the pics of your adventures and treasures :)

  4. Morning Deborah!

    I am looking forward to meeting you and getting into some trouble at the Big Flea!

    Janet xox


I LOVE comments! Thank-you so much for taking the time to visit my blog and to write a note. Please make sure your email is on your profile if you would like a reply.
