
Friday, January 20, 2012


TGIF!  I don't know about you, but I am really happy it's Friday.  It's been a difficult week.  My current contract is developing into many more hours a week than anticipated, and everyone there is stressed because the creative department is understaffed.  I have that cold or flu or whatever it is that's going around, and once  you get it, it just won't go away.  Each time I think I'm finally over it I wake up with a stuffy head or scratchy throat or something.  And with all that's been going on I'm not getting anything done around the house, and I haven't started any projects, and that makes me cranky!

So it was perfect timing when I received my copy of Country Living and saw that it was the White Issue.  White is calming to me.  I find rooms decorated in pale tones and neutrals peaceful.  Just paging through the magazine was like relaxing with a nice glass of pinot grigio--another white favorite! 

See if you feel the same way:

All photos above from

I'm seeing sweater vases all over the place. They look so cozy!  These are actually pottery molded in a cableknit shape, but I've also seen them with fabric. I think you could easily make a fabric version, but since I don't have any white cableknit sweaters I want to cut up, I'll have to keep an eye out on my next thrift shop prowl.

So tomorrow I'm going to go out and buy myself some white flowers and put them in a white vase. And this weekend whenever I start to feel like I'm never going to be able to accomplish all I want to get done, I'm going to look at the white, take a deep breath, and say "ahhh."

Have a great weekend!


  1. Hang in there! I loved the white issue. I am very drawn to it, and find it very pleasing... but somehow, never decorate that way? I have no idea why! Enjoy your flowers =)

  2. Mmmm, very pretty. Love the bedroom. Great inspiration.

  3. I love white! Been told white is boring, not in, walls need color. Every time I put color on the walls, I have a hard time accessorizing. So, I'm going back to white and decorating with white and color - it seems to be what I'm drawn to.

    I love the sweater pillow covers! I have so many sweaters to use, I just need to find the time to get the pillows forms made.

    The vases are fantastic! I took a sceond look at first glance and thought to myself 'they did a great job stretching these over these forms!' And then read they were molded! Think you're right about doing them with sweaters - what a great way to use the sleeves!

    Thanks for a great post, and sharing with us!


  4. So sorry you've felt wretched, but had to keep going! I also really enjoyed that issue of Country Living. All the white gives me such a peaceful, serene feeling.

  5. White is good for summer, but I always long for color during the grey days of winter ... that bedroom is fabulous, tho.

  6. I loved the white issue, but this just isn't a style I could live with. White rooms make me feel like life was sucked out. Life is color and warmth. So, while I can sit back and ooh and ahh and appreciate the white, it's just way too restrictive for me.

  7. white stresses me out. i have children. and pets. white ... i just keep seeing it getting dirty in 2.5 seconds!

  8. @Micki -- I have lots of pets and had two boys (grown now) growing up in the house. Washable slipcovers and a little bleach, and it's not as hard as you would think!


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