
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


How was your Christmas?  I hope it was merry!  I'm still catching up on laundry and putting away the holiday dishes, but at least I don't have to do it at such a frantic pace.  I can take my time and relax ... oh wait, we're having guests for New Year's Eve--guess I can't be quite as leisurely as I thought!

This will not be my New Year's Eve table setting, but I wish it were -- I love the salad plate
with the Roman numerals!  Source: Pinterest via

Well as it just dawned on me, the new year is fast approaching. And you know what that means--New Year's Resolutions!  Do you make them?  I always do.  I like the idea of starting fresh each year.  And I typically keep about half of them. Hey, at least I try!

Pinterest via

So I thought I'd share my resolutions for 2012. If I make them public, I'll have that much more incentive to achieve them!

1. Develop a business plan for Mr. P's Emporium.
I started the store on Etsy last year selling vintage home accessories.  But I haven't spent the time needed to make it work, and since then I've amped up my painted furniture sideline which I want to incorporate into Mr. P's.  Because this is something I seriously want to do, I'm going to spend some time developing a realistic (given my time constraints with work) business and marketing plan--and then follow it! 

2. Lose weight. 
Well this one has been on my list for awhile now.  But each year the amount goes up about 5lbs! The last few years have been hard, for reasons outlined below, but I'm still going to try.  It's either that or go out and buy a whole new wardrobe.  Hmmm ... shopping opportunity ... no ... I've got to lose some weight.

3. Try Natural Healing
Up until this year, each of the last four years I've had either a major injury or major surgery (making getting enough exercise hard, which makes losing weight hard!). I've also had fibromyalgia for years, which I've always been able to control with medication and massage. Well this year I didn't break anything or go under the knife (yay!), but either the left-over effects are wearing me down, or fibromyalgia now mixed with menopause is a bad combo platter--or it's all of the above. I just hurt and am tired all the time.  I really noticed it during the holiday season.  It took me forever to get things done, and I had to bow out of events I really wanted to go to because I just didn't have the energy.

So since the doctors just prescribe pain and sleep meds, I want to try something different like acupuncture, natural diet, etc. in 2012.  I've had success with acupuncture for migraines, but other than that, no experience with this type of thing. If you've tried homeopathic healing or have any advice, I'd love to hear from you!

4. Improve my Photography Skills
Some of my photos come out okay, some come out good (some come out really, really bad, but I don't post those!), but rarely do I get one I'm proud of.  This is a partially a reflection of my camera, but mainly of my photography skills. I mean, Photoshop can only do so much! So I'm taking some classes and getting a new camera in 2012. Stay tuned for awesomeness!

Well, that's about it for this year.  Want to share your resolutions?


  1. All very good goals and completely achievable!! Good luck and Best Wishes for 2012!

  2. Good luck on your resolutions...mine is always the same "lose more weight". Wishing you the best this holiday season & a Happy New Year!

  3. Hi Deborah!

    Yes, I'm going to do Resolutions this year - didn't last year and achieved them 100% which is bad! 100% of nothing is, well nothing! So, this year I am making a list and checking it twice and it's not for the jolly old man in the red suit! So, mine will be posted by January 1, 2012! Maybe together we can inspire one another - the more us, the more inspiration!

    Blessings for a wonderful and joyous new year!


  4. I'm with you on all four of your goals!

    No grand resolutions for me, but I will try to continue my work toward a general simplification of life ... fewer projects going on at once, and finishing the projects I start (this is going to be the hardest one). Whether the 'project' is a new home-improvement item, a piece of furniture to refinish, or a few loads of laundry, my goal is to see each thing to the end, instead of moving on to something else with piles of partially-finished things in my wake.

  5. Great blog...I just became one of your newest followers and look forward to going through your archives.

  6. Great resolutions Deborah. I just have one - to do a split! A little stretch each day and I'll get there, right? (Oh, another one... I resolve to make that slip cover I've been planning. I bought the material, washed the material, put the material in the closet...)


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