
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree!

Sing along with me to the tune of "Old Christmas Tree"...

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, we never made it to the Christmas Tree farm ...

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, and the prices at the lots were just ridiculous ...

So we bought you at good old Walmart, you cost the same as the lot but at least you'll last more than one year ...

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, and your needles won't drop all over the floor.


Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, your shape doesn't look realistic ...

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, well what do I expect? You're a fake tree.

But after I got you decorated,
I think you look pretty good ...

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, I'm just glad you're finally done!

I don't know about you, but I think this little ditty is destined to become a holiday classic!

On to a few details on the tree:  Since I'm changing to a silver, green and white theme this year I couldn't put all my ornaments on the tree.  And since I didn't want to go out and buy a bunch of new ornaments (especially since I ended up buying a lot of things for my mantle decoration), I just went with what I had. 

This meant the tree isn't as loaded with  decorations the way I usually like it.  So to fill in, I added some silver ribbon I had picked up at Ikea at the end of last year's season and tucked it in through the branches.  Then I cut off the white silk poinsettias I bought at the thrift store as part of my thrifty decor challenge and placed them in some of the empty spots.

Since our tree skirt is maroon to match my former color scheme, I just used a white tablecloth for now, and I'll get a new tree skirt at the after-holiday sales.

I like the green, white and silver everywhere else in the house, but it just isn't popping enough on the tree for me. So next year I think I'm going to add some purple back in.

You'll notice there are no presents under the tree yet.  That's because I sent all the gifts I've wrapped off to family and friends in Michigan and on the West Coast, and I haven't even started wrapping the gifts for my husband, sons and pets yet. (Yes, we give our pets Christmas gifts too ... otherwise we'd have to look at our dogs' sad eyes as they stare at us while we're opening our gifts and then listen to them sigh all Christmas Day. Not to mention the cats.  They may act like they don't care ... then you come down one morning and find your favorite chair shredded to pieces!)

To be perfectly honest I haven't finished all my shopping yet. So I'd better stop blogging and get to Best Buy!

P.S. Thanks to those of you who left me nice comments and sent me messages after my last post! 

Sharing at: French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday


  1. Your tree is absolutely beautiful! I luv the silver... Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  2. I think your tree is beautiful! I love silver in any form and if you want more color, then buy things after at all the sales.

    I so hope you're taking some time for YOU.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. i love your tree...this year, i have gone with red, silver and white...i like it...last year it was pink and rosegold....who knows what next year will bring. i used a red and white polka dot tablecloth for the skirt this year...

    now, if i can get the rest of the house done, i will be in good shape....except my son and daughter-jn-law will be coming in from colorado tonight....yikes....they are is not the best...

    well, have yourself a very merry little christmas....i better get off the computer, too........ ttyl.....xx

  4. Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, you are so quaint and lovely!

    Thank you for sharing your decorating with us! May you and your family have a Wonderful and Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year!



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