
Monday, November 21, 2011

Famous Butts -- Possibly

I was buying a set of dining room chairs from a Craigslist seller when I spotted these two beauties in the corner and asked if they were for sale. 

The owner wasn't sure if his wife wanted to sell them.  He told me they had belonged to her mother, who was married to General Someone-Whose-Name-I-Can't-Remember. The General had worked in President Eisenhower's administration.  "Famous butts have probably sat on these chairs," he said. "Like Eisenhower's butt?" I asked.  "I can't say for sure," he said, "but there's a good chance."

I had fallen in love with the color, the velvet brocade upholstery, and graceful lines of the chairs. So I told him how much I liked them, and asked him to let me know if his wife decided to sell them.  I didn't think I'd hear back -- I mean who would want to part with this bit of family history? But the next day I got a call -- his wife had said I could buy them!  With my fingers crossed I asked him how much they wanted.  I was a little worried they may be asking more than I wanted to pay -- given the Eisenhower butt connection and all.  "How about $30?" he asked. "Thirty dollars each?" I asked back, just wanting to confirm that I had heard him right.  "No, $30 for both of them," he answered.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I love Craigslist!!  Where else can you find bargains and stories and historical tidbits like this! So the chairs with the possible famous butts provenance are now mine. If you ever come to our house I'll let you sit on them ... maybe.

Sharing at:
You're Talking Too Much: Meet Me Monday
Type A: Anything Goes
Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday


  1. Famous butts, that's hilarious. They really are beautiful chairs, nice deal!

  2. SHUT UP!
    I can no longer like you do to the fact I am green with envy...
    Those are fantasmagoric!!
    $30 and an awesome title for your post =)))
    Super cool.

  3. Wow! What a great price for these gems, even if the only famous butts that sit in them are your family's!

    Have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving!


  4. Stop.It.Right.Now! I LOVE THIS STORY! You can't imagine how much this is me! What an awesome find! Great job! My readers would love to meet you. This is right up our alley. I would love it if you would share this on "Meet Me Monday".
    I am your new follower. I do NOT want to miss out on all of your deals! Love, Me

  5. Dang girl... now that was a Craigslist STEAL!! I love your chairs... famous butts and all!!

  6. Unbelievable - you never know until you ask, right? Are you going to change them or keep them as is in homage to the famous butts? ;)

  7. that is too funny! i bought a chifferobe that supposedly was in somebody famous' home- some president or something.... obviously i believed them because i can't even remember who it was!!!!!!
    the chairs are great, regardless of whose derrieres have graced them.

  8. They are beautiful! Certainly a great price...amazing.


  9. What a fantastic deal!!! (I love the color, too.)

  10. I love the famous butts chair write well too.
    hugs..reinaknits by the fire (google)

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