
Friday, November 11, 2011

Color my World

It's been a difficult week, so today to raise my spirits I decided to look at colors.  We all know the restorative powers of color -- a color can calm you down or rev you up; help with healing; increase your appetite; improve your mood, and many other attributes.

Back in the day when I was a member of Fashion Group, Leatrice Eisman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, would speak to us about color trends in fashion and design, and color theory.  There is a whole industry focusing on how colors can be used in marketing. I find the science fascinating.  But basically, when it comes down to it -- I just love looking at pretty colors!

I do however tend to get into a color rut. There are colors that I always wear, and colors that I tend to always use in my decorating.  Since I'm about to paint a couple of furniture pieces that I'll be selling, I thought now would be a good time to see what the trends are, and do something different from my old stand-bys.

Here's what the Pantone says are the color trends for Spring, 2012:

They showed up in on the runways in September for the Spring 2012 fashion collection ...

Calvin Klein

Carolina Herrera

Michael Kors


And are starting to appear in the decorating magazines ...

via Pinterest

House Beautiful

Better Homes & Gardens

Well, my mood is getting lifted -- how about you?

House Beautiful

House Beautiful

House Beautiful

Elle Decor

Better Homes & Gardens

Better Homes & Gardens

House Beautiful

So I'm thinking maybe a chair painted in tangerine with a spring green pillow.  Or how about lilac and yellow?  What do you think? I'm definitely going to do something out of my comfort zone of white, cream, beige and blue.

Stay tuned for what I come up with!


  1. I am and always have been a color junkie...these photos are so beautiful and reaffirm my decision to do this type of color explosion in my craft room! Purple and yellow is my all time favorite color combo - can't wait to see what you come up with!!

  2. I love this!! I feel so much better just reading through and looking at all of the colors and options!! Thank you for lifting me up!



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