
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Finds!

I thought I'd show you all some of my latest Craigslist finds.  Most of this haul will be heading to Mr. P's Emporium, but I may not be able to part with the big round mirror!

I bought a bunch of these old books at an unbeatable
price -- mainly because I loved the colors!  I'm keeping a lot, but these are up for grabs.

I bought these two mirrors from the same person.  There was a third, oval one that I'm kicking myself I didn't get, but I didn't have enough cash on me!  Lesson learned.  I'm thinking about painting the large round one white - what do you think?

From gilded to primitive -- I found this great old hand-made tool caddy in the garage of a woman who told me to just look through the boxes to see if I wanted anything.  I felt like an American Picker! (Love that show!)

This was from the same garage.  There is part of a label showing that says "ice" so I'm wondering if it was used in an ice warehouse back in the day.  I'm thinking of putting casters on it to make it a rolling storage bin. 

I've seen hanging lamps made out of these:

Like this one:

Apartment Therapy

I thought this old tin mold was pretty cool.  I've never seen one with a lid before.

However, I have no idea what to do with it!  Any thoughts from you creative people out there?

That's it for my latest Craigslist prowl.  I'm off to hit some of my favorite thrift stores -- I'll let you know if I find any treasures!

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  1. Excellent buys, definitely hold on to the round mirror, and the idea of a hanging lamp with the basket... I would have difficulty parting any of them. Have fun!

  2. The round mirror would look great white. I love your primitive finds.

  3. Deborah,
    You have such a great eye! Love the tine mold and the tool caddy.


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