
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Hope you had a good weekend.  Ours was strange: snow and sleet on Saturday, bright and sunny on Sunday.  Today is a beautiful fall day.  It would be the perfect evening for trick-or-treaters ... if we ever got any.  We live at the end of a long, dark driveway, and even though we have kids in the neighborhood, kids who see us regularly and know our dogs, I guess the driveway is just too spooky for them. (I just had a thought -- maybe we're too spooky for them!  You should see my husband when he goes up the driveway to get the paper first thing in the morning.  And if I'm out early with the dogs before my morning coffee, I certainly may have a zombie-like quality!)

Most of the houses in our area are on plots of an acre or so.  Ours is an acre and a half. When the boys were young they liked to go over to their friends' neighborhoods to trick-or-treat because the houses were closer together and they could get more candy with less walking! But I do usually see some trick-or-treaters out and about in our neighborhood. Over the years I've tried putting out lighted luminaries along the driveway and a sign with "Trick or Treat" and an arrow, but nothing has worked.  Still, each year I buy Halloween candy "just in case."  And since I know that we probably won't get any trick-or-treaters, I make sure it's candy I like!  (Hmmm ... do you think this attitude has contributed to the 20 lbs I need to loose?)

Since we won't get any cute costumed kids tonight to celebrate the season, I decided to make some additions to my indoor fall decorating to get me in the autumn spirit.  I  leave these vignettes up through Thanksgiving, and jump into setting up our holiday decor the day after.

The centerpiece on our coffee table.

The buffet table in the dining room.

The antique desk in the family room (a Craigslist find!).

 Close up - the acorns are from our yard.

Pumpkins mixed with my white vases on the mantle.

More white and white on the white chippy shelf in the family room.

The washstand under the shelf (Craigslist find).

Our entry.

Even Pepper (Mr. P) is in the mood with his orange coat!

But Mosby apparently just wants an uninterrupted nap!

Hope you all have a Happy Halloween!

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TypeADecorating: Anything Goes

1 comment:

  1. So many pretty Fall goodies.
    Love the white collection.

    And the pups ;)


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