
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Pretty Little Thing

Today I'm showing a quick little before and after.  I found this nightstand on Craigslist

It was sturdy, but stained, scraped and generally sad looking.

But since the price was right, I thought I'd see what I could do to brighten it up a bit. It was very dirty, so first I cleaned it up with a bleach and water mix. Then I gave it a couple of coats of ASCP (Annie Sloan Chalk Paint) in Paris Grey. When that was dry I topped it with a coat of ASCP in Old White on the trim only.

I distressed a bit so that some of the original gold trim and cream showed through, and put back the original pulls which I had painted in Old White and lightly sanded.  I think my favorite thing about chalk paint is that you can use it on anything, including metal hardware.

I lined the drawers with gift wrap in a complimentary color and finished with a couple of coats of clear wax.

Quick and easy-peasy, but what a difference! 

Now it's a pretty little thing! It attracted quite a bit of attention at the tag sale, and was my first piece of furniture sold!

Sharing at:
Primitive & Proper Piece of Work Wednesday
Shades of Amber
Coastal Charm
Debbiedoos Newbie Party
Between Naps on the Porch
French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday


  1. I love your blog name!!!!
    I recently refinished a night stand just like this, and did it in gray too! It looks great.

  2. it looks so pretty! i love the colors, and love your little tag on it! :)

  3. Congrats on the sale. She sure was a pretty little piece. Love the cute tag too. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party.

  4. Your makeover is absolutely what this piece needed. Great color, and I love what you did to the hardware.

  5. Thanks so much for the nice comments, and for visiting my blog!

  6. GOSH this is BEAUTIFUL! I have ASCP Paris Grey, but just haven't been happy with the results; perhaps I need to try it on a smaller piece...LOVE this!

  7. I absolutely love this transformation. Thank you for sharing!

  8. I love this little nightstand! I love the color the is so stinkin cute! I better get some of this chalk paint! Thanks for stopping by and following me at imsharonwithyou I am following you back!

  9. Congrats on your first sale - how exciting! Obviously someone snatched it up quickly because it's quite lovely - good job!


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