
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Here We Go!

Welcome to the first entry of my first blog!  I’m a marketing consultant by day, and a decorating junkie by night.  I’ve spent my career getting people to buy stuff – expensive, high-end stuff.  I even was the marketing director for a regional Design Center, where I promoted the services of interior designers to the general public, and the showrooms’ “to the trade” goods to the designers.  I loved being around all that beautiful furniture and creative talent.  But would I ever spend that money myself?  Nope.  Well, maybe I would if I had unlimited funds, but even then I doubt it.  Because … okay, I admit it, I’m basically cheap!  Don’t get me wrong – I love stuff.  I love creating a welcoming, comfortable home.  I love putting together colors, textures, and accessorizing. I’m always changing things around and looking for that special touch. So how can I reconcile my cheap (does “thrifty” have a better connotation?) nature with my need for pretty spaces?  Craigslist, baby!  And vintage shops, thrift shops, garage sales, and flea markets.  Throw in some DIY, and I’ve got cheap chic. In this blog I’ll share my quest to get my design “fix,” and hopefully meet some friends who are also addicted to design – maybe we can start a support group!

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