
Monday, May 26, 2014

Pretty Porches

Now that summer's here, it's time to sit out on the porch! One of the things we're hoping to find in our new house is a front porch. We don't have one in our current home.  I'm envisioning how I would decorate it -- with a little help from Pinterest.  Here's some eye candy I've found.





I'm hoping we sell the house and find a new home soon so I can get started decorating!

All photos are from Pinterest.  You can find the sources here.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Broken Foot - Or How I'm Getting out of Doing the Laundry

As you know our house has been on the market for about a week and a half.  We've had showings but no offers yet.  

Since this is a three dog, two cat family, there is a whole routine we have to go through prior to a showing:  We take off the covers on the furniture in the family room (we have slip covers but they're white and get dog hair and foot prints on them, so I throw a drop cloth over them when we don't have company or showings.  It helps limit the times I have to wash the slip covers.). We stash the dog beds and cat beds, put their bowls in the dishwasher, make sure the kitty boxes are clean, etc.  

This is also a house with two men who, although they are trying, just don't have the same definition of a clean house as I do.  To them, a rinsed bowl in the sink is fine ("Well I rinsed it!).  That means I've been spending my days making sure the counters are always clean, the bathrooms sparkling, and the floors are vacuumed, so we'll be ready at a moment's notice if someone wants to see the house.  In between all this I've been hoping to find time to paint some furniture.  Mr. P's Emporium needs some new merchandise.

The whole process is proving to be quite stressful.  So what do I do?

I break my foot.

Yep.  I stepped on a stone the wrong way, twisted my foot and fell.  I walked around on it for a week hoping it was just a bad sprain, but the pain finally sent me to a doctor.  Now I'm in a boot, on crutches, and am supposed to stay off of it for at least two weeks.

I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to keep the routine going, but it is kind of nice to have my husband wait on me a bit!  Hopefully the right person will come to see the house soon and fall in love with it.

Please hang in there with me as I know I haven't shown you any projects for awhile!  As soon as our lives get back to some sense of normal I'll get back to DIYing.